Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Diamond Price Bubble

National Jeweler online published this editorial recently.  I thought it interesting enough to share in light of the economy and people not thinking that diamonds are selling during these times.

Obviously they are:


Moscow--The head of Russian diamond mining giant Alrosa told Bloomberg Television that diamond prices are climbing faster than expected and could create a price bubble, just as they did prior to the financial crisis in 2008.  

In a recent interview, Fyodor Andreev said the Russian diamond miner increased its rough prices by 5 percent at the end of 2010, and prices are up another 10 percent just a few months into 2011. In total, rough prices are now 8 percent higher than they were before the economic crisis hit in the fall of 2008, he said.  (Bolding mine as I think this is crucial!)

He told Bloomberg that continually climbing rough prices, which sometimes top prices of polished gems, are a “dangerous signal” that the market will see another price bubble.

News of rising rough diamond prices--as well as an increase in polished prices--have been creating a buzz in the industry for a few months due to increased demand from both emerging markets, such as China and India, and recovering markets, such as the United States.

Last month, IDEX Online reported that De Beers rough distribution arm, the Diamond Trading Co. (DTC) increased prices at least 4 to 8 percent at its latest sight. And earlier this month, IDEX Online reported that polished diamond prices had recovered to near pre-economic crisis levels.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Title string for the blog here...

The following conversation took place on a new diamond discussion board I think it has a lot of merit and deserves consideration.  It surely is worth repeating and with the permission of the participants I share it with you.
  • 26 posts
January 27, 2011 2:44:54 PM MST
Buried in one of C.'s comment was the priceless phrase "lets face it (diamonds) are a luxury purchase that nobody really "needs".

Hmmm... I think this is worthy of a side-bar.
Is it possible that personal adornment is a human "need"? Why do even the most "primitive" cultures adorn themselves?

I am convinced that there is an ongoing struggle within us all between our sense of community and sense of self. We want to belong, yet we want to set ourselves apart.

Aren't these two "needs" part of the essential and existential whole?

Put another way... a wise man named Orly Solomon once made the following statement:
If you wear jewelry you'll look better. If you look better, you'll feel better. If you feel better, you'll be healthier. If you are healthier, you'll live longer. So, if you wear jewelry, you'll live longer.
    • 17 posts
    January 28, 2011 5:37:33 AM PST
    Maarten de Witte said:

    Aren't these two "needs" part of the essential and existential whole?
  • Put another way... a wise man named Orly Solomon once made the following statement:
  • If you wear jewelry you'll look better. If you look better, you'll feel better. If you feel better, you'll be healthier. If you are healthier, you'll live longer. So, if you wear jewelry, you'll live longer
  • We could even change that statement:

    If you wear jewelry, you will feel better. Hence, you will perform better, thus you will make more money. So, if you wear jewelry, it will pay itself.

    Live long

    • 47 posts
    January 28, 2011 3:22:22 PM PST
    *feverishly copies these statements and sends them in email to her husband*
  • Saturday, January 08, 2011

    I love Custom Work

    A friend of mine, David Geller, is a consultant to the jewelry trade. Here is an excerpt from a letter than he sent out this morning that I think is very appropriate to share with you.

    Why? Because it reflects the thinking of so many in my trade and David points out where it conflicts with your wishes as consumers.

    Why you shouldn't hate Custom Work

    There is a website for bench/crafts people that I participate in every week. (neme removed)

    Every day their blog has 30-50 posts from members from how to make jewelry, find or make tools and complaints like every other jeweler will do when sitting down with another jewelers friend.

    Recently there was a heavy discussion about “I Hate Custom Work”. I thought you might be interested in the post I made there today.

    ---------------Post Starts Here-----------

    After reading many of the responses I’ve seen a common theme here. The people who dislike custom have 3 main reasons why they don’t like doing custom work. They may have a single reason why they hate it and some (they may not know it) have more than one.


    1. You don’t have the skills to do custom.
    2. You don’t have the patience or selling skills to take in custom work.
    3. You under price it and there fore once you know in your mind “OMG! From this minute on I’m now losing money or working for free or working for a really small per hour wage” you then think, "I hate this”.


    The only things you can do to alleviate this is:
    a. Take classes and learn the areas of custom you need complete your skill set.
    b. Hire others who have skills you don’t (I did this as I’m not a good wax carver).
    c. Job out the work to others who can do the things you can’t do. There is absolutely no reason to want to say “Oh, we don’t send anything out, it’s all done in house.” That’s silly. The customer has said “I want what I want”. So your job is “Get’r done”.

    David goes on to say a lot more that is not relevant to my thoughts here.

    As many of you know, my skills are in my head. I rely on other's hands to do the work. That could be why I think David is so brilliant in his suggestion that we hire others to do what we do not like to do, or that we do not do well.

    If you are working with a jeweler to have something special done, you may want to have a talk with him/her to determine what their feelings are about custom work. If you find you are working with a jeweler who has the mindset of, "I hate custom work!" then perhaps you should keep looking.


    Friday, January 07, 2011

    The camera as a tool

    I had a long discussion with a client this morning about why when he brought in a diamond it looked different than what it had looked like in the camera.  (He actually liked it better, which was a good thing, but he wanted to know why.)

    I did a video some months ago that demonstrated a couple of things nicely for him, so I thought I would share it with you.

    See the video here.



    Thursday, January 06, 2011

    Debeers to end advertising in the United States

    This article was published recently by IDEX. It talks breifly about the problems that DeBeers is having steering itself through these difficult times and the fact that it will no longer be spending two hundred million dollars per year advertising in the United States.

    Who will take the lead now? Will anyone step up, or will diamonds be gradually allowed to fade from the public consciousness? (I am betting this will NOT happen.)
